Node.js v20.17.0 文档



在 Node.js 中运行的应用通常会遇到四类错误:

¥Applications running in Node.js will generally experience four categories of errors:

  • 标准的 JavaScript 错误,例如 <EvalError><SyntaxError><RangeError><ReferenceError><TypeError><URIError>

    ¥Standard JavaScript errors such as <EvalError>, <SyntaxError>, <RangeError>, <ReferenceError>, <TypeError>, and <URIError>.

  • 由底层操作系统约束触发的系统错误,例如尝试打开不存在的文件或尝试通过关闭的套接字发送数据。

    ¥System errors triggered by underlying operating system constraints such as attempting to open a file that does not exist or attempting to send data over a closed socket.

  • 由应用代码触发的用户指定的错误。

    ¥User-specified errors triggered by application code.

  • AssertionError 是一类特殊的错误,当 Node.js 检测到不应该发生的异常逻辑违规时会触发该错误。这些通常由 node:assert 模块引发。

    ¥AssertionErrors are a special class of error that can be triggered when Node.js detects an exceptional logic violation that should never occur. These are raised typically by the node:assert module.

Node.js 引发的所有 JavaScript 和系统错误都继承自标准 JavaScript <Error> 类,或者是标准 JavaScript <Error> 类的实例,并且保证至少提供该类上可用的属性。

¥All JavaScript and system errors raised by Node.js inherit from, or are instances of, the standard JavaScript <Error> class and are guaranteed to provide at least the properties available on that class.


¥Error propagation and interception

Node.js 支持多种机制来传播和处理应用运行时发生的错误。如何报告和处理这些错误完全取决于 Error 的类型和调用的 API 的风格。

¥Node.js supports several mechanisms for propagating and handling errors that occur while an application is running. How these errors are reported and handled depends entirely on the type of Error and the style of the API that is called.

所有 JavaScript 错误都作为异常处理,使用标准 JavaScript throw 机制立即生成并抛出错误。这些是使用 JavaScript 语言提供的 try…catch 构造 来处理的。

¥All JavaScript errors are handled as exceptions that immediately generate and throw an error using the standard JavaScript throw mechanism. These are handled using the try…catch construct provided by the JavaScript language.

// Throws with a ReferenceError because z is not defined.
try {
  const m = 1;
  const n = m + z;
} catch (err) {
  // Handle the error here.

对 JavaScript throw 机制的任何使用都会引发必须处理的异常,否则 Node.js 进程将立即退出。

¥Any use of the JavaScript throw mechanism will raise an exception that must be handled or the Node.js process will exit immediately.

除了少数例外,同步 API(任何不返回 <Promise> 也不接受 callback 函数的阻塞方法,例如 fs.readFileSync)将使用 throw 来报告错误。

¥With few exceptions, Synchronous APIs (any blocking method that does not return a <Promise> nor accept a callback function, such as fs.readFileSync), will use throw to report errors.

异步 API 中发生的错误可能会以多种方式报告:

¥Errors that occur within Asynchronous APIs may be reported in multiple ways:

  • 某些异步方法返回 <Promise>,你应该始终考虑到它可能会被拒绝。请参阅 --unhandled-rejections 标志,了解进程如何对未处理的 promise 拒绝做出反应。

    ¥Some asynchronous methods returns a <Promise>, you should always take into account that it might be rejected. See --unhandled-rejections flag for how the process will react to an unhandled promise rejection.

    const fs = require('fs/promises');
    (async () => {
      let data;
      try {
        data = await fs.readFile('a file that does not exist');
      } catch (err) {
        console.error('There was an error reading the file!', err);
      // Otherwise handle the data
  • 大多数接受 callback 函数的异步方法将接受作为第一个参数传给该函数的 Error 对象。如果第一个参数不是 null 并且是 Error 的实例,则发生了应该处理的错误。

    ¥Most asynchronous methods that accept a callback function will accept an Error object passed as the first argument to that function. If that first argument is not null and is an instance of Error, then an error occurred that should be handled.

    const fs = require('node:fs');
    fs.readFile('a file that does not exist', (err, data) => {
      if (err) {
        console.error('There was an error reading the file!', err);
      // Otherwise handle the data
  • 当在 EventEmitter 对象上调用异步方法时,错误可以路由到该对象的 'error' 事件。

    ¥When an asynchronous method is called on an object that is an EventEmitter, errors can be routed to that object's 'error' event.

    const net = require('node:net');
    const connection = net.connect('localhost');
    // Adding an 'error' event handler to a stream:
    connection.on('error', (err) => {
      // If the connection is reset by the server, or if it can't
      // connect at all, or on any sort of error encountered by
      // the connection, the error will be sent here.
  • Node.js API 中的一些典型的异步方法可能仍然使用 throw 机制来引发必须使用 try…catch 处理的异常。没有此类方法的完整列表;请参考每种方法的文档以确定所需的适当错误处理机制。

    ¥A handful of typically asynchronous methods in the Node.js API may still use the throw mechanism to raise exceptions that must be handled using try…catch. There is no comprehensive list of such methods; please refer to the documentation of each method to determine the appropriate error handling mechanism required.

'error' 事件机制的使用最常见于 stream-based基于事件触发器 API,它们本身代表随时间推移的一系列异步操作(与可能通过或失败的单个操作相反)。

¥The use of the 'error' event mechanism is most common for stream-based and event emitter-based APIs, which themselves represent a series of asynchronous operations over time (as opposed to a single operation that may pass or fail).

对于所有 EventEmitter 对象,如果没有提供 'error' 事件处理程序,将抛出错误,导致 Node.js 进程报告未捕获的异常并崩溃,除非:已为 'uncaughtException' 事件注册了处理程序,或者使用了已弃用的 node:domain 模块。

¥For all EventEmitter objects, if an 'error' event handler is not provided, the error will be thrown, causing the Node.js process to report an uncaught exception and crash unless either: a handler has been registered for the 'uncaughtException' event, or the deprecated node:domain module is used.

const EventEmitter = require('node:events');
const ee = new EventEmitter();

setImmediate(() => {
  // This will crash the process because no 'error' event
  // handler has been added.
  ee.emit('error', new Error('This will crash'));

以这种方式产生的错误无法使用 try…catch 拦截,因为它们是在调用代码已经退出后抛出的。

¥Errors generated in this way cannot be intercepted using try…catch as they are thrown after the calling code has already exited.


¥Developers must refer to the documentation for each method to determine exactly how errors raised by those methods are propagated.


¥Class: Error

通用的 JavaScript <Error> 对象,不表示发生错误的任何具体情况。Error 对象捕获 "堆栈跟踪",详细说明代码中实例化 Error 的点,并可能提供错误的文本描述。

¥A generic JavaScript <Error> object that does not denote any specific circumstance of why the error occurred. Error objects capture a "stack trace" detailing the point in the code at which the Error was instantiated, and may provide a text description of the error.

Node.js 生成的所有错误,包括所有系统和 JavaScript 错误,都将是 Error 类的实例或继承自 Error 类。

¥All errors generated by Node.js, including all system and JavaScript errors, will either be instances of, or inherit from, the Error class.

new Error(message[, options])#

  • message <string>

  • options <Object>

    • cause <any> 导致新创建的错误的错误。

      ¥cause <any> The error that caused the newly created error.

创建新的 Error 对象并将 error.message 属性设置为提供的文本消息。如果对象作为 message 传入,则通过调用 String(message) 生成文本消息。如果提供了 cause 选项,则将其分配给 error.cause 属性。error.stack 属性将代表代码中调用 new Error() 的点。堆栈跟踪依赖于 V8 的堆栈跟踪 API。堆栈跟踪仅扩展到 (a) 同步代码执行的开始,或 (b) 属性 Error.stackTraceLimit 给出的帧数,以较小者为准。

¥Creates a new Error object and sets the error.message property to the provided text message. If an object is passed as message, the text message is generated by calling String(message). If the cause option is provided, it is assigned to the error.cause property. The error.stack property will represent the point in the code at which new Error() was called. Stack traces are dependent on V8's stack trace API. Stack traces extend only to either (a) the beginning of synchronous code execution, or (b) the number of frames given by the property Error.stackTraceLimit, whichever is smaller.

Error.captureStackTrace(targetObject[, constructorOpt])#

targetObject 上创建 .stack 属性,访问时返回表示调用 Error.captureStackTrace() 的代码中的位置的字符串。

¥Creates a .stack property on targetObject, which when accessed returns a string representing the location in the code at which Error.captureStackTrace() was called.

const myObject = {};
myObject.stack;  // Similar to `new Error().stack` 

跟踪的第一行将以 ${}: ${myObject.message} 为前缀。

¥The first line of the trace will be prefixed with ${}: ${myObject.message}.

可选的 constructorOpt 参数接受一个函数。如果给定,则所有 constructorOpt 以上的帧,包括 constructorOpt,都将从生成的堆栈跟踪中省略。

¥The optional constructorOpt argument accepts a function. If given, all frames above constructorOpt, including constructorOpt, will be omitted from the generated stack trace.

constructorOpt 参数对于向用户隐藏错误生成的实现细节很有用。例如:

¥The constructorOpt argument is useful for hiding implementation details of error generation from the user. For instance:

function a() {

function b() {

function c() {
  // Create an error without stack trace to avoid calculating the stack trace twice.
  const { stackTraceLimit } = Error;
  Error.stackTraceLimit = 0;
  const error = new Error();
  Error.stackTraceLimit = stackTraceLimit;

  // Capture the stack trace above function b
  Error.captureStackTrace(error, b); // Neither function c, nor b is included in the stack trace
  throw error;



Error.stackTraceLimit 属性指定堆栈跟踪收集的堆栈帧数(无论是由 new Error().stack 还是 Error.captureStackTrace(obj) 生成)。

¥The Error.stackTraceLimit property specifies the number of stack frames collected by a stack trace (whether generated by new Error().stack or Error.captureStackTrace(obj)).

默认值为 10,但可以设置为任何有效的 JavaScript 数值。更改将影响值更改后捕获的任何堆栈跟踪。

¥The default value is 10 but may be set to any valid JavaScript number. Changes will affect any stack trace captured after the value has been changed.


¥If set to a non-number value, or set to a negative number, stack traces will not capture any frames.


如果存在,则 error.cause 属性是 Error 的根本原因。当捕获一个错误并抛出一个带有不同消息或代码的新错误以便仍然可以访问原始错误时使用它。

¥If present, the error.cause property is the underlying cause of the Error. It is used when catching an error and throwing a new one with a different message or code in order to still have access to the original error.

error.cause 属性通常通过调用 new Error(message, { cause }) 来设置。如果没有提供 cause 选项,则不是构造函数设置的。

¥The error.cause property is typically set by calling new Error(message, { cause }). It is not set by the constructor if the cause option is not provided.

此属性允许链接错误。当序列化 Error 对象时,如果设置了 util.inspect(),则递归序列化 error.cause

¥This property allows errors to be chained. When serializing Error objects, util.inspect() recursively serializes error.cause if it is set.

const cause = new Error('The remote HTTP server responded with a 500 status');
const symptom = new Error('The message failed to send', { cause });

// Prints:
//   Error: The message failed to send
//       at REPL2:1:17
//       at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:130:12)
//       ... 7 lines matching cause stack trace ...
//       at [_line] [as _line] (node:internal/readline/interface:886:18) {
//     [cause]: Error: The remote HTTP server responded with a 500 status
//         at REPL1:1:15
//         at Script.runInThisContext (node:vm:130:12)
//         at REPLServer.defaultEval (node:repl:574:29)
//         at bound (node:domain:426:15)
//         at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (node:domain:437:12)
//         at REPLServer.onLine (node:repl:902:10)
//         at REPLServer.emit (node:events:549:35)
//         at REPLServer.emit (node:domain:482:12)
//         at [_onLine] [as _onLine] (node:internal/readline/interface:425:12)
//         at [_line] [as _line] (node:internal/readline/interface:886:18) 


error.code 属性是标识错误类型的字符串标签。error.code 是识别错误的最稳定方式。它只会在 Node.js 的主要版本之间发生变化。相比之下,error.message 字符串可能会在任何版本的 Node.js 之间发生变化。有关具体代码的详细信息,请参见 Node.js 错误代码

¥The error.code property is a string label that identifies the kind of error. error.code is the most stable way to identify an error. It will only change between major versions of Node.js. In contrast, error.message strings may change between any versions of Node.js. See Node.js error codes for details about specific codes.


error.message 属性是通过调用 new Error(message) 设置的错误的字符串描述。传递给构造函数的 message 也会出现在 Error 的堆栈跟踪的第一行,但是在创建 Error 对象后更改此属性可能不会更改堆栈跟踪的第一行(例如,当之前读取 error.stack 时 此属性已更改)。

¥The error.message property is the string description of the error as set by calling new Error(message). The message passed to the constructor will also appear in the first line of the stack trace of the Error, however changing this property after the Error object is created may not change the first line of the stack trace (for example, when error.stack is read before this property is changed).

const err = new Error('The message');
// Prints: The message 


error.stack 属性是描述代码中实例化 Error 的点的字符串。

¥The error.stack property is a string describing the point in the code at which the Error was instantiated.

Error: Things keep happening!
   at /home/gbusey/file.js:525:2
   at Frobnicator.refrobulate (/home/gbusey/business-logic.js:424:21)
   at Actor.<anonymous> (/home/gbusey/actors.js:400:8)
   at increaseSynergy (/home/gbusey/actors.js:701:6) 

第一行的格式为 <error class name>: <error message>,后面是一系列堆栈帧(每行以 "at" 开头)。每一帧都描述了代码中导致错误生成的调用点。V8 尝试为每个函数显示名称(通过变量名、函数名、或对象方法名),但偶尔会找不到合适的名称。如果 V8 无法确定函数的名称,则只会显示该帧的位置信息。否则,将显示确定的函数名称,括号中会附加位置信息。

¥The first line is formatted as <error class name>: <error message>, and is followed by a series of stack frames (each line beginning with "at "). Each frame describes a call site within the code that lead to the error being generated. V8 attempts to display a name for each function (by variable name, function name, or object method name), but occasionally it will not be able to find a suitable name. If V8 cannot determine a name for the function, only location information will be displayed for that frame. Otherwise, the determined function name will be displayed with location information appended in parentheses.

帧仅为 JavaScript 函数生成。例如,如果执行同步通过名为 cheetahify 的 C++ 插件函数,该函数本身调用 JavaScript 函数,则表示 cheetahify 调用的帧将不会出现在堆栈跟踪中:

¥Frames are only generated for JavaScript functions. If, for example, execution synchronously passes through a C++ addon function called cheetahify which itself calls a JavaScript function, the frame representing the cheetahify call will not be present in the stack traces:

const cheetahify = require('./native-binding.node');

function makeFaster() {
  // `cheetahify()` *synchronously* calls speedy.
  cheetahify(function speedy() {
    throw new Error('oh no!');

// will throw:
//   /home/gbusey/file.js:6
//       throw new Error('oh no!');
//           ^
//   Error: oh no!
//       at speedy (/home/gbusey/file.js:6:11)
//       at makeFaster (/home/gbusey/file.js:5:3)
//       at Object.<anonymous> (/home/gbusey/file.js:10:1)
//       at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
//       at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
//       at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
//       at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
//       at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
//       at startup (node.js:119:16)
//       at node.js:906:3 


¥The location information will be one of:

  • native, 如果帧代表 V8 内部的调用(如 [].forEach)。

    ¥native, if the frame represents a call internal to V8 (as in [].forEach).

  • plain-filename.js:line:column, 如果帧代表 Node.js 内部调用

    ¥plain-filename.js:line:column, if the frame represents a call internal to Node.js.

  • 如果帧代表用户程序中的调用(使用 CommonJS 模块系统)或其依赖,则为 /absolute/path/to/file.js:line:column

    ¥/absolute/path/to/file.js:line:column, if the frame represents a call in a user program (using CommonJS module system), or its dependencies.

  • 如果帧代表用户程序中的调用(使用 ES 模块系统)或其依赖,则为 <transport-protocol>:///url/to/module/file.mjs:line:column

    ¥<transport-protocol>:///url/to/module/file.mjs:line:column, if the frame represents a call in a user program (using ES module system), or its dependencies.

当访问 error.stack 属性时,会延迟生成表示堆栈跟踪的字符串。

¥The string representing the stack trace is lazily generated when the error.stack property is accessed.

堆栈跟踪捕获的帧数以 Error.stackTraceLimit 或当前事件循环刻度上的可用帧数中的较小者为界。

¥The number of frames captured by the stack trace is bounded by the smaller of Error.stackTraceLimit or the number of available frames on the current event loop tick.


¥Class: AssertionError

表示断言的失败。详情见 Class: assert.AssertionError

¥Indicates the failure of an assertion. For details, see Class: assert.AssertionError.


¥Class: RangeError


¥Indicates that a provided argument was not within the set or range of acceptable values for a function; whether that is a numeric range, or outside the set of options for a given function parameter.

// Throws "RangeError: "port" option should be >= 0 and < 65536: -1" 

Node.js 将立即生成并抛出 RangeError 实例作为参数验证的一种形式。

¥Node.js will generate and throw RangeError instances immediately as a form of argument validation.


¥Class: ReferenceError


¥Indicates that an attempt is being made to access a variable that is not defined. Such errors commonly indicate typos in code, or an otherwise broken program.

虽然客户端代码可能会产生和传播这些错误,但实际上只有 V8 会这样做。

¥While client code may generate and propagate these errors, in practice, only V8 will do so.

// Throws ReferenceError, doesNotExist is not a variable in this program. 

除非应用动态生成和运行代码,否则 ReferenceError 实例表明代码或其依赖中存在错误。

¥Unless an application is dynamically generating and running code, ReferenceError instances indicate a bug in the code or its dependencies.


¥Class: SyntaxError

表示程序不是有效的 JavaScript。这些错误只能作为代码评估的结果生成和传播。代码评估可能作为 evalFunctionrequirevm 的结果发生。这些错误几乎始终表明程序损坏。

¥Indicates that a program is not valid JavaScript. These errors may only be generated and propagated as a result of code evaluation. Code evaluation may happen as a result of eval, Function, require, or vm. These errors are almost always indicative of a broken program.

try {
  require('node:vm').runInThisContext('binary ! isNotOk');
} catch (err) {
  // 'err' will be a SyntaxError.

SyntaxError 实例在创建它们的上下文中是不可恢复的 - 它们只能被其他上下文捕获。

¥SyntaxError instances are unrecoverable in the context that created them – they may only be caught by other contexts.


¥Class: SystemError

Node.js 在其运行时环境中发生异常时会生成系统错误。这些通常发生在应用违反操作系统约束时。例如,如果应用尝试读取不存在的文件,则会发生系统错误。

¥Node.js generates system errors when exceptions occur within its runtime environment. These usually occur when an application violates an operating system constraint. For example, a system error will occur if an application attempts to read a file that does not exist.

  • address <string> 如果存在,则为网络连接失败的地址

    ¥address <string> If present, the address to which a network connection failed

  • code <string> 字符串错误码

    ¥code <string> The string error code

  • dest <string> 如果存在,则为报告文件系统错误时的文件路径目标

    ¥dest <string> If present, the file path destination when reporting a file system error

  • errno <number> 系统提供的错误号

    ¥errno <number> The system-provided error number

  • info <Object> 如果存在,则为关于错误情况的额外细节

    ¥info <Object> If present, extra details about the error condition

  • message <string> 系统提供的人类可读的错误描述

    ¥message <string> A system-provided human-readable description of the error

  • path <string> 如果存在,则为报告文件系统错误时的文件路径

    ¥path <string> If present, the file path when reporting a file system error

  • port <number> 如果存在,则为不可用的网络连接端口

    ¥port <number> If present, the network connection port that is not available

  • syscall <string> 触发错误的系统调用名称

    ¥syscall <string> The name of the system call that triggered the error


如果存在,则 error.address 是描述网络连接失败的地址的字符串。

¥If present, error.address is a string describing the address to which a network connection failed.


error.code 属性是表示错误代码的字符串。

¥The error.code property is a string representing the error code.


如果存在,则 error.dest 是报告文件系统错误时的文件路径目标。

¥If present, error.dest is the file path destination when reporting a file system error.


error.errno 属性是对应于 libuv Error handling 中定义的错误码的负数。

¥The error.errno property is a negative number which corresponds to the error code defined in libuv Error handling.

在 Windows 上,系统提供的错误号将由 libuv 规范化。

¥On Windows the error number provided by the system will be normalized by libuv.

要获取错误码的字符串表示,则使用 util.getSystemErrorName(error.errno)

¥To get the string representation of the error code, use util.getSystemErrorName(error.errno).

如果存在,则 是包含错误情况详细信息的对象。

¥If present, is an object with details about the error condition.


error.message 是系统提供的人类可读的错误描述。

¥error.message is a system-provided human-readable description of the error.


如果存在,则 error.path 是包含相关无效路径名的字符串。

¥If present, error.path is a string containing a relevant invalid pathname.


如果存在,则 error.port 是不可用的网络连接端口。

¥If present, error.port is the network connection port that is not available.


error.syscall 属性是描述失败的 系统调用 的字符串。

¥The error.syscall property is a string describing the syscall that failed.


¥Common system errors

这是编写 Node.js 程序时经常遇到的系统错误列表。有关完整列表,请参阅 errno(3) 手册页

¥This is a list of system errors commonly-encountered when writing a Node.js program. For a comprehensive list, see the errno(3) man page.

  • EACCES(权限被拒绝):试图以文件访问权限禁止的方式访问文件。

    ¥EACCES (Permission denied): An attempt was made to access a file in a way forbidden by its file access permissions.

  • EADDRINUSE(地址已被使用):由于本地系统上的另一台服务器已占用该地址,尝试将服务器(nethttphttps)绑定到本地地址失败。

    ¥EADDRINUSE (Address already in use): An attempt to bind a server (net, http, or https) to a local address failed due to another server on the local system already occupying that address.

  • ECONNREFUSED(连接被拒绝):由于目标机器主动拒绝,无法建立连接。这通常是由于尝试连接到在外部主机上处于非活动状态的服务。

    ¥ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the foreign host.

  • ECONNRESET(对等方重置连接):连接被对等方强行关闭。这通常是由于超时或重新启动导致远程套接字上的连接丢失造成的。通常通过 httpnet 模块遇到。

    ¥ECONNRESET (Connection reset by peer): A connection was forcibly closed by a peer. This normally results from a loss of the connection on the remote socket due to a timeout or reboot. Commonly encountered via the http and net modules.

  • EEXIST(文件存在):现有文件是要求目标不存在的操作的目标。

    ¥EEXIST (File exists): An existing file was the target of an operation that required that the target not exist.

  • EISDIR(是一个目录):一个操作需要一个文件,但给定的路径名是一个目录。

    ¥EISDIR (Is a directory): An operation expected a file, but the given pathname was a directory.

  • EMFILE(系统中打开的文件太多):已达到系统允许的最大 文件描述符 数量,并且在至少关闭一个描述符之前无法满足对另一个描述符的请求。同时打开多个文件时会遇到这种情况,尤其是在进程的文件描述符限制较低的系统(特别是 macOS)上。要弥补低限制,则在将运行 Node.js 进程的同一个 shell 中运行 ulimit -n 2048

    ¥EMFILE (Too many open files in system): Maximum number of file descriptors allowable on the system has been reached, and requests for another descriptor cannot be fulfilled until at least one has been closed. This is encountered when opening many files at once in parallel, especially on systems (in particular, macOS) where there is a low file descriptor limit for processes. To remedy a low limit, run ulimit -n 2048 in the same shell that will run the Node.js process.

  • ENOENT(没有这样的文件或目录):通常由 fs 操作引发以指示指定路径名的组件不存在。给定路径找不到任何实体(文件或目录)。

    ¥ENOENT (No such file or directory): Commonly raised by fs operations to indicate that a component of the specified pathname does not exist. No entity (file or directory) could be found by the given path.

  • ENOTDIR(不是目录):给定路径名的组件存在,但不是预期的目录。通常由 fs.readdir 引起。

    ¥ENOTDIR (Not a directory): A component of the given pathname existed, but was not a directory as expected. Commonly raised by fs.readdir.

  • ENOTEMPTY(目录非空):包含条目的目录是需要空目录(通常为 fs.unlink)的操作的目标。

    ¥ENOTEMPTY (Directory not empty): A directory with entries was the target of an operation that requires an empty directory, usually fs.unlink.


    ¥ENOTFOUND (DNS lookup failed): Indicates a DNS failure of either EAI_NODATA or EAI_NONAME. This is not a standard POSIX error.

  • EPERM(不允许操作):试图执行需要提升权限的操作。

    ¥EPERM (Operation not permitted): An attempt was made to perform an operation that requires elevated privileges.

  • EPIPE(破管):在没有进程读取数据的管道、套接字或 FIFO 上写入。通常发生在 nethttp 层,表示正在写入的流的远程端已关闭。

    ¥EPIPE (Broken pipe): A write on a pipe, socket, or FIFO for which there is no process to read the data. Commonly encountered at the net and http layers, indicative that the remote side of the stream being written to has been closed.

  • ETIMEDOUT(操作超时):连接或发送请求失败,因为连接方在一段时间后没有正确响应。通常发生在 httpnet。通常表明 socket.end() 没有被正确地调用。

    ¥ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed out): A connect or send request failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time. Usually encountered by http or net. Often a sign that a socket.end() was not properly called.


¥Class: TypeError

表示提供的参数不是允许的类型。例如,将函数传给期望字符串为 TypeError 的参数。

¥Indicates that a provided argument is not an allowable type. For example, passing a function to a parameter which expects a string would be a TypeError.

require('node:url').parse(() => { });
// Throws TypeError, since it expected a string. 

Node.js 将立即生成并抛出 TypeError 实例作为参数验证的一种形式。

¥Node.js will generate and throw TypeError instances immediately as a form of argument validation.


¥Exceptions vs. errors

JavaScript 异常是由于无效操作或作为 throw 语句的目标而抛出的值。虽然不要求这些值是 Error 的实例或从 Error 继承的类,但 Node.js 或 JavaScript 运行时抛出的所有异常都将是 Error 的实例。

¥A JavaScript exception is a value that is thrown as a result of an invalid operation or as the target of a throw statement. While it is not required that these values are instances of Error or classes which inherit from Error, all exceptions thrown by Node.js or the JavaScript runtime will be instances of Error.

有些异常在 JavaScript 层是不可恢复的。这种异常总是会导致 Node.js 进程崩溃。示例包括 C++ 层中的 assert() 检查或 abort() 调用。

¥Some exceptions are unrecoverable at the JavaScript layer. Such exceptions will always cause the Node.js process to crash. Examples include assert() checks or abort() calls in the C++ layer.

OpenSSL 错误#

¥OpenSSL errors

源自 cryptotls 的错误属于 Error 类,除了标准的 .code.message 属性外,可能还有一些额外的 OpenSSL 特定属性。

¥Errors originating in crypto or tls are of class Error, and in addition to the standard .code and .message properties, may have some additional OpenSSL-specific properties.


可以为 OpenSSL 库中错误源自的位置提供上下文的错误数组。

¥An array of errors that can give context to where in the OpenSSL library an error originates from.


错误源自的 OpenSSL 函数。

¥The OpenSSL function the error originates in.


错误源自的 OpenSSL 库。

¥The OpenSSL library the error originates in.



¥A human-readable string describing the reason for the error.

Node.js 错误代码#

¥Node.js error codes


当操作中止时使用(通常使用 AbortController)。

¥Used when an operation has been aborted (typically using an AbortController).

不使用 AbortSignal 的 API 通常不会引发此代码的错误。

¥APIs not using AbortSignals typically do not raise an error with this code.

此代码未使用 Node.js 错误使用的常规 ERR_* 约定,以便与网络平台的 AbortError 兼容。

¥This code does not use the regular ERR_* convention Node.js errors use in order to be compatible with the web platform's AbortError.


每当 Node.js 尝试访问受 权限模型 限制的资源时,就会触发一种特殊类型的错误。

¥A special type of error that is triggered whenever Node.js tries to get access to a resource restricted by the Permission Model.


函数参数的使用方式表明函数签名可能会被误解。当 assert.throws(block, message) 中的 message 参数与 block 抛出的错误消息匹配时,则由 node:assert 模块抛出错误,因为这种用法表明用户认为 message 是预期的消息,而不是 block 不抛出时 AssertionError 将显示的消息。

¥A function argument is being used in a way that suggests that the function signature may be misunderstood. This is thrown by the node:assert module when the message parameter in assert.throws(block, message) matches the error message thrown by block because that usage suggests that the user believes message is the expected message rather than the message the AssertionError will display if block does not throw.


需要可迭代的参数(即适用于 for...of 循环的值),但未提供给 Node.js API。

¥An iterable argument (i.e. a value that works with for...of loops) was required, but not provided to a Node.js API.


特殊类型的错误,每当 Node.js 检测到不应该发生的异常逻辑违规时就会触发。这些通常由 node:assert 模块引发。

¥A special type of error that can be triggered whenever Node.js detects an exceptional logic violation that should never occur. These are raised typically by the node:assert module.


试图将不是函数的东西注册为 AsyncHooks 回调。

¥An attempt was made to register something that is not a function as an AsyncHooks callback.


异步资源的类型无效。如果使用公共的嵌入器 API,则用户还可以定义自己的类型。

¥The type of an asynchronous resource was invalid. Users are also able to define their own types if using the public embedder API.


传给 Brotli 流的数据未成功压缩。

¥Data passed to a Brotli stream was not successfully compressed.


在构建 Brotli 流期间传入了无效的参数键。

¥An invalid parameter key was passed during construction of a Brotli stream.


尝试从插件或嵌入器代码创建 Node.js Buffer 实例,而在与 Node.js 实例无关的 JS 引擎上下文中。传给 Buffer 方法的数据将在方法返回时被释放。

¥An attempt was made to create a Node.js Buffer instance from addon or embedder code, while in a JS engine Context that is not associated with a Node.js instance. The data passed to the Buffer method will have been released by the time the method returns.

当遇到此错误时,创建 Buffer 实例的一种可能的替代方法是创建普通的 Uint8Array,它仅在生成的对象的原型上有所不同。Uint8Array 在所有 Node.js 核心 API 中普遍接受,而 Buffer 是;它们在所有上下文中都可用。

¥When encountering this error, a possible alternative to creating a Buffer instance is to create a normal Uint8Array, which only differs in the prototype of the resulting object. Uint8Arrays are generally accepted in all Node.js core APIs where Buffers are; they are available in all Contexts.


尝试了超出 Buffer 范围的操作。

¥An operation outside the bounds of a Buffer was attempted.


已尝试创建大于最大允许大小的 Buffer

¥An attempt has been made to create a Buffer larger than the maximum allowed size.


Node.js 无法监视 SIGINT 信号。

¥Node.js was unable to watch for the SIGINT signal.



¥A child process was closed before the parent received a reply.



¥Used when a child process is being forked without specifying an IPC channel.


当主进程试图从子进程的标准错误或标准输出读取数据、并且数据的长度比 maxBuffer 选项长时使用。

¥Used when the main process is trying to read data from the child process's STDERR/STDOUT, and the data's length is longer than the maxBuffer option.


曾试图在关闭状态下使用 MessagePort 实例,通常是在调用 .close() 之后。

¥There was an attempt to use a MessagePort instance in a closed state, usually after .close() has been called.


Console 在没有 stdout 流的情况下被实例化,或者 Console 有不可写的 stdoutstderr 流。

¥Console was instantiated without stdout stream, or Console has a non-writable stdout or stderr stream.



¥A class constructor was called that is not callable.


在没有 new 的情况下调用了类的构造函数。

¥A constructor for a class was called without new.


传入 API 的虚拟机上下文尚未初始化。这可能发生在上下文创建过程中发生(并被捕获)错误时,例如,当分配失败或在创建上下文时达到最大调用堆栈大小时。

¥The vm context passed into the API is not yet initialized. This could happen when an error occurs (and is caught) during the creation of the context, for example, when the allocation fails or the maximum call stack size is reached when the context is created.


所请求的 OpenSSL 引擎(例如,通过 clientCertEngineprivateKeyEngine TLS 选项)不受正在使用的 OpenSSL 版本的支持,可能是由于编译时标志 OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE

¥An OpenSSL engine was requested (for example, through the clientCertEngine or privateKeyEngine TLS options) that is not supported by the version of OpenSSL being used, likely due to the compile-time flag OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE.


format 参数的无效值被传给 crypto.ECDH()getPublicKey() 方法。

¥An invalid value for the format argument was passed to the crypto.ECDH() class getPublicKey() method.


key 参数的无效值已传给 crypto.ECDH()computeSecret() 方法。这意味着公钥位于椭圆曲线之外。

¥An invalid value for the key argument has been passed to the crypto.ECDH() class computeSecret() method. It means that the public key lies outside of the elliptic curve.


无效的加密引擎标识符被传给 require('node:crypto').setEngine()

¥An invalid crypto engine identifier was passed to require('node:crypto').setEngine().


使用了 --force-fips 命令行参数,但尝试在 node:crypto 模块中启用或禁用 FIPS 模式。

¥The --force-fips command-line argument was used but there was an attempt to enable or disable FIPS mode in the node:crypto module.


尝试启用或禁用 FIPS 模式,但 FIPS 模式不可用。

¥An attempt was made to enable or disable FIPS mode, but FIPS mode was not available.


hash.digest() 被多次调用。对于 Hash 对象的每个实例,调用 hash.digest() 方法的次数不得超过一次。

¥hash.digest() was called multiple times. The hash.digest() method must be called no more than one time per instance of a Hash object.


hash.update() 因任何原因失败。这应该很少发生,如果有的话。

¥hash.update() failed for any reason. This should rarely, if ever, happen.



¥The given crypto keys are incompatible with the attempted operation.



¥The selected public or private key encoding is incompatible with other options.



¥Initialization of the crypto subsystem failed.



¥An invalid authentication tag was provided.



¥An invalid counter was provided for a counter-mode cipher.



¥An invalid elliptic-curve was provided.


指定了无效的 加密摘要算法

¥An invalid crypto digest algorithm was specified.



¥An invalid initialization vector was provided.


提供了无效的 JSON 网络密钥。

¥An invalid JSON Web Key was provided.



¥The given crypto key object's type is invalid for the attempted operation.



¥An invalid key length was provided.



¥An invalid key pair was provided.



¥An invalid key type was provided.



¥An invalid message length was provided.


提供了无效的 scrypt 算法参数。

¥Invalid scrypt algorithm parameters were provided.


对处于无效状态的对象使用了加密方法。例如,在调用 之前调用 cipher.getAuthTag()

¥A crypto method was used on an object that was in an invalid state. For instance, calling cipher.getAuthTag() before calling



¥An invalid authentication tag length was provided.



¥Initialization of an asynchronous crypto operation failed.


Key 的椭圆曲线未注册用于 JSON Web 密钥椭圆曲线注册表

¥Key's Elliptic Curve is not registered for use in the JSON Web Key Elliptic Curve Registry.


密钥的非对称密钥类型未注册用于 JSON Web 密钥类型注册表

¥Key's Asymmetric Key Type is not registered for use in the JSON Web Key Types Registry.



¥A crypto operation failed for an otherwise unspecified reason.


PBKDF2 算法因不明原因失败。OpenSSL 没有提供更多细节,因此 Node.js 也没有。

¥The PBKDF2 algorithm failed for unspecified reasons. OpenSSL does not provide more details and therefore neither does Node.js.


一个或多个 crypto.scrypt()crypto.scryptSync() 参数超出其合法范围。

¥One or more crypto.scrypt() or crypto.scryptSync() parameters are outside their legal range.


Node.js 是在没有 scrypt 支持的情况下编译的。官方发布的二进制文件不可能,但自定义构建可能会发生,包括发行版构建。

¥Node.js was compiled without scrypt support. Not possible with the official release binaries but can happen with custom builds, including distro builds.


未向 sign.sign() 方法提供签名 key

¥A signing key was not provided to the sign.sign() method.


crypto.timingSafeEqual() 是用不同长度的 BufferTypedArrayDataView 参数调用的。

¥crypto.timingSafeEqual() was called with Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView arguments of different lengths.



¥An unknown cipher was specified.


给定了未知的 Diffie-Hellman 组名。有关有效组名的列表,请参阅 crypto.getDiffieHellman()

¥An unknown Diffie-Hellman group name was given. See crypto.getDiffieHellman() for a list of valid group names.



¥An attempt to invoke an unsupported crypto operation was made.


debugger 发生错误。

¥An error occurred with the debugger.


debugger 在等待所需的主机/端口空闲时超时。

¥The debugger timed out waiting for the required host/port to be free.


加载已使用 --no-addons 禁用的原生插件。

¥Loading native addons has been disabled using --no-addons.


调用 process.dlopen() 失败。

¥A call to process.dlopen() failed.


fs.Dir 先前已关闭。

¥The fs.Dir was previously closed.


尝试在具有正在进行的异步操作的 fs.Dir 上进行同步的读取或关闭的调用。

¥A synchronous read or close call was attempted on an fs.Dir which has ongoing asynchronous operations.


c-ares 设置域名系统服务器失败。

¥c-ares failed to set the DNS server.


node:domain 模块不可用,因为它无法建立所需的错误处理钩子,因为 process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback() 已在较早的时间点被调用。

¥The node:domain module was not usable since it could not establish the required error handling hooks, because process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback() had been called at an earlier point in time.


无法调用 process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback(),因为 node:domain 模块已在较早的时间点加载。

¥process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback() could not be called because the node:domain module has been loaded at an earlier point in time.

堆栈跟踪扩展到包括加载 node:domain 模块的时间点。

¥The stack trace is extended to include the point in time at which the node:domain module had been loaded.


v8.startupSnapshot.setDeserializeMainFunction() 不能被调用,因为它之前已经被调用过。

¥v8.startupSnapshot.setDeserializeMainFunction() could not be called because it had already been called before.


根据提供的编码,提供给 TextDecoder() API 的数据无效。

¥Data provided to TextDecoder() API was invalid according to the encoding provided.


提供给 TextDecoder() API 的编码不是 WHATWG 支持的编码 之一。

¥Encoding provided to TextDecoder() API was not one of the WHATWG Supported Encodings.


--print 不能与 ESM 输入一起使用。

¥--print cannot be used with ESM input.


当试图在 EventTarget 上递归调度事件时抛出。

¥Thrown when an attempt is made to recursively dispatch an event on EventTarget.


JS 执行上下文与 Node.js 环境无关。当 Node.js 用作嵌入式库并且 JS 引擎的一些钩子没有正确地设置时,可能会发生这种情况。

¥The JS execution context is not associated with a Node.js environment. This may occur when Node.js is used as an embedded library and some hooks for the JS engine are not set up properly.


通过 util.callbackify() 回调的 Promise 使用非真值拒绝。

¥A Promise that was callbackified via util.callbackify() was rejected with a falsy value.


当使用了运行 Node.js 的当前平台不可用的特性时使用。

¥Used when a feature that is not available to the current platform which is running Node.js is used.


尝试使用 fs.cp() 将目录复制到非目录(文件、符号链接等)。

¥An attempt was made to copy a directory to a non-directory (file, symlink, etc.) using fs.cp().


试图使用 fs.cp()forceerrorOnExist 设置为 true)复制已经存在的文件。

¥An attempt was made to copy over a file that already existed with fs.cp(), with the force and errorOnExist set to true.


当使用 fs.cp()srcdest 指向无效路径时。

¥When using fs.cp(), src or dest pointed to an invalid path.


写入不允许内容的 HTTP 响应时会抛出错误。

¥An error is thrown when writing to an HTTP response which does not allow contents.



¥Response body size doesn't match with the specified content-length header value.


试图使用 fs.cp() 复制命名管道。

¥An attempt was made to copy a named pipe with fs.cp().


尝试使用 fs.cp() 将非目录(文件、符号链接等)复制到目录。

¥An attempt was made to copy a non-directory (file, symlink, etc.) to a directory using fs.cp().


试图使用 fs.cp() 复制到套接字。

¥An attempt was made to copy to a socket with fs.cp().


当使用 fs.cp() 时,dest 中的符号链接指向 src 的子目录。

¥When using fs.cp(), a symlink in dest pointed to a subdirectory of src.


试图使用 fs.cp() 复制到未知的文件类型。

¥An attempt was made to copy to an unknown file type with fs.cp().



¥Path is a directory.


已尝试读取大小大于 Buffer 允许的最大大小的文件。

¥An attempt has been made to read a file whose size is larger than the maximum allowed size for a Buffer.


传给 fs.symlink()fs.symlinkSync() 方法的符号链接类型无效。

¥An invalid symlink type was passed to the fs.symlink() or fs.symlinkSync() methods.



¥An attempt was made to add more headers after the headers had already been sent.


指定了无效的 HTTP 标头值。

¥An invalid HTTP header value was specified.



¥Status code was outside the regular status code range (100-999).



¥The client has not sent the entire request within the allowed time.


给定的 ServerResponse 已经分配了一个套接字。

¥The given ServerResponse was already assigned a socket.


根据 RFC 7230 第 3 节,不允许更改套接字编码。

¥Changing the socket encoding is not allowed per RFC 7230 Section 3.


即使传输编码不支持,也设置了 Trailer 标头。

¥The Trailer header was set even though the transfer encoding does not support that.


HTTP/2 ALTSVC 帧需要有效的来源。

¥HTTP/2 ALTSVC frames require a valid origin.


HTTP/2 ALTSVC 帧限制为最多 16,382 个有效载荷字节。

¥HTTP/2 ALTSVC frames are limited to a maximum of 16,382 payload bytes.


对于使用 CONNECT 方法的 HTTP/2 请求,需要 :authority 伪标头。

¥For HTTP/2 requests using the CONNECT method, the :authority pseudo-header is required.


对于使用 CONNECT 方法的 HTTP/2 请求,禁止使用 :path 伪标头。

¥For HTTP/2 requests using the CONNECT method, the :path pseudo-header is forbidden.


对于使用 CONNECT 方法的 HTTP/2 请求,禁止使用 :scheme 伪标头。

¥For HTTP/2 requests using the CONNECT method, the :scheme pseudo-header is forbidden.


发生了非特定的 HTTP/2 错误。

¥A non-specific HTTP/2 error has occurred.


新的 HTTP/2 流可能不会在 Http2Session 从连接的对等方接收到 GOAWAY 帧后打开。

¥New HTTP/2 Streams may not be opened after the Http2Session has received a GOAWAY frame from the connected peer.


为只需要一个值的 HTTP/2 标头字段提供了多个值。

¥Multiple values were provided for an HTTP/2 header field that was required to have only a single value.


在启动 HTTP/2 响应后指定了额外的标头。

¥An additional headers was specified after an HTTP/2 response was initiated.



¥An attempt was made to send multiple response headers.


信息性 HTTP 状态码(1xx)不能设置为 HTTP/2 响应的响应状态代码。

¥Informational HTTP status codes (1xx) may not be set as the response status code on HTTP/2 responses.


HTTP/1 连接特定标头禁止在 HTTP/2 请求和响应中使用。

¥HTTP/1 connection specific headers are forbidden to be used in HTTP/2 requests and responses.


指定了无效的 HTTP/2 标头值。

¥An invalid HTTP/2 header value was specified.


指定了无效的 HTTP 信息状态代码。信息状态代码必须是 100199(含)之间的整数。

¥An invalid HTTP informational status code has been specified. Informational status codes must be an integer between 100 and 199 (inclusive).


HTTP/2 ORIGIN 帧需要有效的来源。

¥HTTP/2 ORIGIN frames require a valid origin.


传给 http2.getUnpackedSettings() API 的输入 BufferUint8Array 实例的长度必须是 6 的倍数。

¥Input Buffer and Uint8Array instances passed to the http2.getUnpackedSettings() API must have a length that is a multiple of six.


只能使用有效的 HTTP/2 伪标头(:status:path:authority:scheme:method)。

¥Only valid HTTP/2 pseudoheaders (:status, :path, :authority, :scheme, and :method) may be used.


对已被销毁的 Http2Session 对象执行了操作。

¥An action was performed on an Http2Session object that had already been destroyed.


为 HTTP/2 设置指定了无效值。

¥An invalid value has been specified for an HTTP/2 setting.



¥An operation was performed on a stream that had already been destroyed.


每当一个 HTTP/2 SETTINGS 帧被发送到连接的对端时,对端需要发送确认其已经收到并应用了新的 SETTINGS。默认情况下,可以在任何给定时间发送最大数量的未确认 SETTINGS 帧。当达到该限制时使用此错误码。

¥Whenever an HTTP/2 SETTINGS frame is sent to a connected peer, the peer is required to send an acknowledgment that it has received and applied the new SETTINGS. By default, a maximum number of unacknowledged SETTINGS frames may be sent at any given time. This error code is used when that limit has been reached.



¥An attempt was made to initiate a new push stream from within a push stream. Nested push streams are not permitted.


使用 http2session.setLocalWindowSize(windowSize) API 时内存不足。

¥Out of memory when using the http2session.setLocalWindowSize(windowSize) API.


试图直接操作(读取、写入、暂停、恢复等)连接到 Http2Session 的套接字。

¥An attempt was made to directly manipulate (read, write, pause, resume, etc.) a socket attached to an Http2Session.


HTTP/2 ORIGIN 帧的长度限制为 16382 字节。

¥HTTP/2 ORIGIN frames are limited to a length of 16382 bytes.


在单个 HTTP/2 会话上创建的流数达到了最大限制。

¥The number of streams created on a single HTTP/2 session reached the maximum limit.


已为禁止负载的 HTTP 响应码指定了消息负载。

¥A message payload was specified for an HTTP response code for which a payload is forbidden.


HTTP/2 发送回显信息被取消。

¥An HTTP/2 ping was canceled.


HTTP/2 发送回显信息负载的长度必须正好是 8 个字节。

¥HTTP/2 ping payloads must be exactly 8 bytes in length.


HTTP/2 伪标头使用不当。伪标头是以 : 前缀开头的标头键名。

¥An HTTP/2 pseudo-header has been used inappropriately. Pseudo-headers are header key names that begin with the : prefix.



¥An attempt was made to create a push stream, which had been disabled by the client.


尝试使用 Http2Stream.prototype.responseWithFile() API 发送目录。

¥An attempt was made to use the Http2Stream.prototype.responseWithFile() API to send a directory.


尝试使用 Http2Stream.prototype.responseWithFile() API 发送常规文件以外的内容,但提供了 offsetlength 选项。

¥An attempt was made to use the Http2Stream.prototype.responseWithFile() API to send something other than a regular file, but offset or length options were provided.


Http2Session 以非零错误码关闭。

¥The Http2Session closed with a non-zero error code.


Http2Session 设置取消。

¥The Http2Session settings canceled.


试图将 Http2Session 对象连接到已经绑定到另一个 Http2Session 对象的 net.Sockettls.TLSSocket

¥An attempt was made to connect a Http2Session object to a net.Socket or tls.TLSSocket that had already been bound to another Http2Session object.


尝试使用已关闭的 Http2Sessionsocket 属性。

¥An attempt was made to use the socket property of an Http2Session that has already been closed.


在 HTTP/2 中禁止使用 101 信息状态码。

¥Use of the 101 Informational status code is forbidden in HTTP/2.


指定了无效的 HTTP 状态码。状态码必须是介于 100599(含)之间的整数。

¥An invalid HTTP status code has been specified. Status codes must be an integer between 100 and 599 (inclusive).


在将任何数据传输到连接的对等方之前,Http2Stream 已被销毁。

¥An Http2Stream was destroyed before any data was transmitted to the connected peer.


RST_STREAM 帧中指定了非零错误码。

¥A non-zero error code was been specified in an RST_STREAM frame.


当在为 HTTP/2 流设置优先级时,该流可能被标记为父流的依赖。当试图标记流并依赖于它自己时,将使用此错误码。

¥When setting the priority for an HTTP/2 stream, the stream may be marked as a dependency for a parent stream. This error code is used when an attempt is made to mark a stream and dependent of itself.


已超出支持的自定义设置数量 (10)。

¥The number of supported custom settings (10) has been exceeded.


已超出通过 maxSessionInvalidFrames 选项指定的对等方发送的可接受的无效 HTTP/2 协议帧的限制。

¥The limit of acceptable invalid HTTP/2 protocol frames sent by the peer, as specified through the maxSessionInvalidFrames option, has been exceeded.


已在 Http2Stream 上发送了尾随标头。

¥Trailing headers have already been sent on the Http2Stream.


Http2Stream 对象上触发 'wantTrailers' 事件之后,才能调用 http2stream.sendTrailers() 方法。只有为 Http2Stream 设置了 waitForTrailers 选项,才会触发 'wantTrailers' 事件。

¥The http2stream.sendTrailers() method cannot be called until after the 'wantTrailers' event is emitted on an Http2Stream object. The 'wantTrailers' event will only be emitted if the waitForTrailers option is set for the Http2Stream.


http2.connect() 传入的网址使用除 http:https: 以外的任何协议。

¥http2.connect() was passed a URL that uses any protocol other than http: or https:.



¥An attempt was made to construct an object using a non-public constructor.


提供了导入 type 属性,但指定的模块属于不同类型。

¥An import type attribute was provided, but the specified module is of a different type.



¥An import attribute is missing, preventing the specified module to be imported.


此版本的 Node.js 不支持导入属性。

¥An import attribute is not supported by this version of Node.js.


此版本的 Node.js 不支持导入属性。

¥An import attribute is not supported by this version of Node.js.



¥An option pair is incompatible with each other and cannot be used at the same time.


稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental

--input-type 标志用于尝试执行文件。此标志只能用于通过 --eval--printSTDIN 输入。

¥The --input-type flag was used to attempt to execute a file. This flag can only be used with input via --eval, --print, or STDIN.


在使用 node:inspector 模块时,当检查器已经开始监听端口时尝试激活。在不同地址上激活之前使用 inspector.close()

¥While using the node:inspector module, an attempt was made to activate the inspector when it already started to listen on a port. Use inspector.close() before activating it on a different address.


在使用 node:inspector 模块时,当检查器已经连接时尝试连接。

¥While using the node:inspector module, an attempt was made to connect when the inspector was already connected.


在使用 node:inspector 模块时,在会话已经关闭后尝试使用检查器。

¥While using the node:inspector module, an attempt was made to use the inspector after the session had already closed.


通过 node:inspector 模块触发命令时发生错误。

¥An error occurred while issuing a command via the node:inspector module.


当调用 inspector.waitForDebugger() 时,inspector 未激活。

¥The inspector is not active when inspector.waitForDebugger() is called.


node:inspector 模块无法使用。

¥The node:inspector module is not available for use.


在使用 node:inspector 模块时,尝试在连接前使用检查器。

¥While using the node:inspector module, an attempt was made to use the inspector before it was connected.


在主线程上调用了只能从工作线程使用的 API。

¥An API was called on the main thread that can only be used from the worker thread.


Node.js 中存在错误或 Node.js 内部使用不正确。要修复该错误,请在 打开一个问题。

¥There was a bug in Node.js or incorrect usage of Node.js internals. To fix the error, open an issue at


Node.js API 无法识别提供的地址族。

¥The provided address family is not understood by the Node.js API.


传给 Node.js API 的参数类型错误。

¥An argument of the wrong type was passed to a Node.js API.



¥An invalid or unsupported value was passed for a given argument.


使用 AsyncHooks 传入了无效的 asyncIdtriggerAsyncId。小于 -1 的标识不应该发生。

¥An invalid asyncId or triggerAsyncId was passed using AsyncHooks. An id less than -1 should never happen.


Buffer 上执行了交换,但其大小与操作不兼容。

¥A swap was performed on a Buffer but its size was not compatible with the operation.



¥Invalid characters were detected in headers.



¥A cursor on a given stream cannot be moved to a specified row without a specified column.


文件描述符 ('fd') 无效(例如,它是负值)。

¥A file descriptor ('fd') was not valid (e.g. it was a negative value).


文件描述符 ('fd') 类型无效。

¥A file descriptor ('fd') type was not valid.


使用 file: 网址的 Node.js API(例如 fs 模块中的某些函数)遇到了主机不兼容的文件网址。这种情况只能发生在只支持 localhost 或空主机的类 Unix 系统上。

¥A Node.js API that consumes file: URLs (such as certain functions in the fs module) encountered a file URL with an incompatible host. This situation can only occur on Unix-like systems where only localhost or an empty host is supported.


使用 file: 网址的 Node.js API(例如 fs 模块中的某些函数)遇到路径不兼容的文件网址。确定是否可以使用路径的确切语义是平台相关的。

¥A Node.js API that consumes file: URLs (such as certain functions in the fs module) encountered a file URL with an incompatible path. The exact semantics for determining whether a path can be used is platform-dependent.


试图通过 IPC 通信通道将不受支持的 "handle" 发送到子进程。有关详细信息,请参阅 subprocess.send()process.send()

¥An attempt was made to send an unsupported "handle" over an IPC communication channel to a child process. See subprocess.send() and process.send() for more information.


提供了无效的 HTTP 令牌。

¥An invalid HTTP token was supplied.


IP 地址无效。

¥An IP address is not valid.


MIME 语法无效。

¥The syntax of a MIME is not valid.



¥An attempt was made to load a module that does not exist or was otherwise not valid.



¥The imported module string is an invalid URL, package name, or package subpath specifier.



¥An error occurred while setting an invalid attribute on the property of an object.


无效的 package.json 文件解析失败。

¥An invalid package.json file failed parsing.


package.json "exports" 字段包含用于尝试模块解析的无效目标映射值。

¥The package.json "exports" field contains an invalid target mapping value for the attempted module resolution.


在使用性能计时 API (perf_hooks) 时,性能标记无效。

¥While using the Performance Timing API (perf_hooks), a performance mark is invalid.


无效的 options.protocol 被传给了 http.request()

¥An invalid options.protocol was passed to http.request().


breakEvalOnSiginteval 选项都在 REPL 配置中设置,这是不支持的。

¥Both breakEvalOnSigint and eval options were set in the REPL config, which is not supported.


输入不能在 REPL 中使用。REPL 文档中描述了使用此错误的条件。

¥The input may not be used in the REPL. The conditions under which this error is used are described in the REPL documentation.



¥Thrown in case a function option does not provide a valid value for one of its returned object properties on execution.



¥Thrown in case a function option does not provide an expected value type for one of its returned object properties on execution.


如果函数选项在执行时没有返回预期的值类型时(例如当函数应该返回 promise),则抛出错误。

¥Thrown in case a function option does not return an expected value type on execution, such as when a function is expected to return a promise.



¥Indicates that an operation cannot be completed due to an invalid state. For instance, an object may have already been destroyed, or may be performing another operation.


BufferTypedArrayDataViewstring 作为标准输入输出提供给异步的衍生。有关更多信息,请参阅 child_process 模块的文档。

¥A Buffer, TypedArray, DataView, or string was provided as stdio input to an asynchronous fork. See the documentation for the child_process module for more information.


使用不兼容的 this 值调用了 Node.js API 函数

¥A Node.js API function was called with an incompatible this value.

const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams('foo=bar&baz=new');

const buf = Buffer.alloc(1);, 'foo');
// Throws a TypeError with code 'ERR_INVALID_THIS' 


无效的传输对象被传给 postMessage()

¥An invalid transfer object was passed to postMessage().


提供给 WHATWG URLSearchParams 构造函数iterable 中的元素不代表 [name, value] 元组 - 也就是说,如果一个元素不可迭代,或者不完全由两个元素组成。

¥An element in the iterable provided to the WHATWG URLSearchParams constructor did not represent a [name, value] tuple – that is, if an element is not iterable, or does not consist of exactly two elements.



¥An invalid URI was passed.


无效的 URL 已传递到 WHATWG URL 构造函数 或旧版 url.parse() 进行解析。抛出的错误对象通常有附加的属性 'input',其中包含解析失败的网址。

¥An invalid URL was passed to the WHATWG URL constructor or the legacy url.parse() to be parsed. The thrown error object typically has an additional property 'input' that contains the URL that failed to parse.


试图将不兼容方案(协议)的网址用于特定目的。它仅用于 fs 模块中的 WHATWG URL API 支持(仅接受具有 'file' 方案的 URL),但将来也可能用于其他 Node.js API。

¥An attempt was made to use a URL of an incompatible scheme (protocol) for a specific purpose. It is only used in the WHATWG URL API support in the fs module (which only accepts URLs with 'file' scheme), but may be used in other Node.js APIs as well in the future.



¥An attempt was made to use an IPC communication channel that was already closed.


试图断开已经断开的进程间通信通道。有关更多信息,请参阅 child_process 模块的文档。

¥An attempt was made to disconnect an IPC communication channel that was already disconnected. See the documentation for the child_process module for more information.


尝试使用多个进程间通信通道创建子 Node.js 进程。有关更多信息,请参阅 child_process 模块的文档。

¥An attempt was made to create a child Node.js process using more than one IPC communication channel. See the documentation for the child_process module for more information.


尝试使用同步衍生的 Node.js 进程打开进程间通信通道。有关更多信息,请参阅 child_process 模块的文档。

¥An attempt was made to open an IPC communication channel with a synchronously forked Node.js process. See the documentation for the child_process module for more information.


返回 ESM 加载器钩子,没有调用 next(),也没有明确触发短路信号。

¥An ESM loader hook returned without calling next() and without explicitly signaling a short circuit.


尝试加载资源,但该资源与策略清单定义的完整性不匹配。有关详细信息,请参阅 policy 清单的文档。

¥An attempt was made to load a resource, but the resource did not match the integrity defined by the policy manifest. See the documentation for policy manifests for more information.


已尝试加载资源,但该资源未列为尝试加载它的位置的依赖。有关详细信息,请参阅 policy 清单的文档。

¥An attempt was made to load a resource, but the resource was not listed as a dependency from the location that attempted to load it. See the documentation for policy manifests for more information.


已尝试加载策略清单,但该清单包含多个彼此不匹配的资源条目。更新清单条目以解决此错误。有关详细信息,请参阅 policy 清单的文档。

¥An attempt was made to load a policy manifest, but the manifest had multiple entries for a resource which did not match each other. Update the manifest entries to match in order to resolve this error. See the documentation for policy manifests for more information.


策略清单资源的其中一个字段的值无效。更新清单条目以解决此错误。有关详细信息,请参阅 policy 清单的文档。

¥A policy manifest resource had an invalid value for one of its fields. Update the manifest entry to match in order to resolve this error. See the documentation for policy manifests for more information.


策略清单资源的依赖映射之一具有无效值。更新清单条目以匹配以解决此错误。有关详细信息,请参阅 policy 清单的文档。

¥A policy manifest resource had an invalid value for one of its dependency mappings. Update the manifest entry to match to resolve this error. See the documentation for policy manifests for more information.


已尝试加载策略清单,但无法解析该清单。有关详细信息,请参阅 policy 清单的文档。

¥An attempt was made to load a policy manifest, but the manifest was unable to be parsed. See the documentation for policy manifests for more information.


已尝试从策略清单中读取,但清单初始化尚未发生。这可能是 Node.js 中的错误。

¥An attempt was made to read from a policy manifest, but the manifest initialization has not yet taken place. This is likely a bug in Node.js.


已加载策略清单,但其 "onerror" 行为具有未知值。有关详细信息,请参阅 policy 清单的文档。

¥A policy manifest was loaded, but had an unknown value for its "onerror" behavior. See the documentation for policy manifests for more information.


尝试分配内存(通常在 C++ 层),但是失败。

¥An attempt was made to allocate memory (usually in the C++ layer) but it failed.


无法在目标 vm Context 中反序列化发布到 MessagePort 的消息。目前并非所有 Node.js 对象都可以在任何上下文中成功实例化,在这种情况下,尝试使用 postMessage() 传输它们可能会在接收端失败。

¥A message posted to a MessagePort could not be deserialized in the target vm Context. Not all Node.js objects can be successfully instantiated in any context at this time, and attempting to transfer them using postMessage() can fail on the receiving side in that case.



¥A method is required but not implemented.


未传入 Node.js API 的必需参数。这仅用于严格遵守 API 规范(在某些情况下可能接受 func(undefined) 但不接受 func())。在大多数原生 Node.js API 中,func(undefined)func() 的处理方式相同,可以使用 ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE 错误码代替。

¥A required argument of a Node.js API was not passed. This is only used for strict compliance with the API specification (which in some cases may accept func(undefined) but not func()). In most native Node.js APIs, func(undefined) and func() are treated identically, and the ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE error code may be used instead.


对于接受选项对象的 API,某些选项可能是强制性的。如果缺少必需的选项,则会抛出此代码。

¥For APIs that accept options objects, some options might be mandatory. This code is thrown if a required option is missing.



¥An attempt was made to read an encrypted key without specifying a passphrase.


此 Node.js 实例使用的 V8 平台不支持创建工作线程。这是由于缺乏对工作线程的嵌入支持造成的。特别是,此错误不会发生在 Node.js 的标准构建中。

¥The V8 platform used by this instance of Node.js does not support creating Workers. This is caused by lack of embedder support for Workers. In particular, this error will not occur with standard builds of Node.js.


需要在 transferList 参数中显式列出的对象在传给 postMessage() 调用的对象中,但未在 transferList 中为该调用提供。通常,这是 MessagePort

¥An object that needs to be explicitly listed in the transferList argument is in the object passed to a postMessage() call, but is not provided in the transferList for that call. Usually, this is a MessagePort.

在 v15.0.0 之前的 Node.js 版本中,这里使用的错误码是 ERR_MISSING_MESSAGE_PORT_IN_TRANSFER_LIST。但是,可传输对象类型集已扩展到涵盖比 MessagePort 更多的类型。

¥In Node.js versions prior to v15.0.0, the error code being used here was ERR_MISSING_MESSAGE_PORT_IN_TRANSFER_LIST. However, the set of transferable object types has been expanded to cover more types than MessagePort.


当尝试 import 操作或加载程序入口点时,ECMAScript 模块加载器无法解析模块文件。

¥A module file could not be resolved by the ECMAScript modules loader while attempting an import operation or when loading the program entry point.



¥A callback was called more than once.


¥A callback is almost always meant to only be called once as the query can either be fulfilled or rejected but not both at the same time. The latter would be possible by calling a callback more than once.


在使用 Node-API 时,传入的构造函数不是函数。

¥While using Node-API, a constructor passed was not a function.


在调用 napi_create_dataview() 时,给定的 offset 超出了数据视图的边界或 offset + length 大于给定的 buffer 的长度。

¥While calling napi_create_dataview(), a given offset was outside the bounds of the dataview or offset + length was larger than a length of given buffer.


在调用 napi_create_typedarray() 时,提供的 offset 不是元素大小的倍数

¥While calling napi_create_typedarray(), the provided offset was not a multiple of the element size.


在调用 napi_create_typedarray() 时,(length * size_of_element) + byte_offset 大于给定的 buffer 的长度。

¥While calling napi_create_typedarray(), (length * size_of_element) + byte_offset was larger than the length of given buffer.


调用线程安全函数的 JavaScript 部分时出错。

¥An error occurred while invoking the JavaScript portion of the thread-safe function.


尝试检索 JavaScript undefined 值时出错。

¥An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the JavaScript undefined value.



¥On the main thread, values are removed from the queue associated with the thread-safe function in an idle loop. This error indicates that an error has occurred when attempting to start the loop.



¥Once no more items are left in the queue, the idle loop must be suspended. This error indicates that the idle loop has failed to stop.


尝试使用只能在构建 V8 启动快照时使用的操作,即使 Node.js 没有构建一个。

¥An attempt was made to use operations that can only be used when building V8 startup snapshot even though Node.js isn't building one.



¥The operation cannot be performed when it's not in a single-executable application.



¥An attempt was made to perform operations that are not supported when building a startup snapshot.


尝试使用加密特性,而 Node.js 没有使用 OpenSSL 加密支持进行编译。

¥An attempt was made to use crypto features while Node.js was not compiled with OpenSSL crypto support.


已尝试使用需要 ICU 的功能,但 Node.js 未使用 ICU 支持进行编译。

¥An attempt was made to use features that require ICU, but Node.js was not compiled with ICU support.



¥A non-context-aware native addon was loaded in a process that disallows them.



¥A given value is out of the accepted range.


package.json "imports" 字段未定义给定的内部包说明符映射。

¥The package.json "imports" field does not define the given internal package specifier mapping.


package.json "exports" 字段没有导出请求的子路径。因为导出是封装的,没有导出的私有内部模块无法通过包解析导入,除非使用绝对网址。

¥The package.json "exports" field does not export the requested subpath. Because exports are encapsulated, private internal modules that are not exported cannot be imported through the package resolution, unless using an absolute URL.


strict 设置为 true 时,如果为 <string> 类型的选项提供了 <boolean> 值,或者为 <boolean> 类型的选项提供了 <string> 值,则由 util.parseArgs() 抛出异常。

¥When strict set to true, thrown by util.parseArgs() if a <boolean> value is provided for an option of type <string>, or if a <string> value is provided for an option of type <boolean>.


当提供位置参数并且 allowPositionals 设置为 false 时,由 util.parseArgs() 抛出。

¥Thrown by util.parseArgs(), when a positional argument is provided and allowPositionals is set to false.


strict 设置为 true 时,如果 options 中没有配置参数,则由 util.parseArgs() 抛出异常。

¥When strict set to true, thrown by util.parseArgs() if an argument is not configured in options.



¥An invalid timestamp value was provided for a performance mark or measure.



¥Invalid options were provided for a performance measure.


已禁止使用 --disable-proto=throw 访问 Object.prototype.__proto__Object.getPrototypeOfObject.setPrototypeOf 应该用于获取和设置对象的原型。

¥Accessing Object.prototype.__proto__ has been forbidden using --disable-proto=throw. Object.getPrototypeOf and Object.setPrototypeOf should be used to get and set the prototype of an object.


稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental

当尝试在 --experimental-require-module 下执行 require()ES 模块 时,CommonJS 到 ESM 或 ESM 到 CommonJS 边缘会参与立即循环。这是不允许的,因为 ES 模块在已经被评估时无法被评估。

¥When trying to require() a ES Module under --experimental-require-module, a CommonJS to ESM or ESM to CommonJS edge participates in an immediate cycle. This is not allowed because ES Modules cannot be evaluated while they are already being evaluated.

为了避免循环,循环中涉及的 require() 调用不应发生在 ES 模块(通过 createRequire())或 CommonJS 模块的顶层,而应在内部函数中延迟完成。

¥To avoid the cycle, the require() call involved in a cycle should not happen at the top-level of either an ES Module (via createRequire()) or a CommonJS module, and should be done lazily in an inner function.


稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental

当尝试在 --experimental-require-module 下执行 require() a ES 模块 时,该模块结果是异步的。也就是说,它包含顶层等待。

¥When trying to require() a ES Module under --experimental-require-module, the module turns out to be asynchronous. That is, it contains top-level await.

要查看顶层等待在哪里,请使用 --experimental-print-required-tla (这将在查找顶层等待之前执行模块)。

¥To see where the top-level await is, use --experimental-print-required-tla (this would execute the modules before looking for the top-level awaits).


稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental

已尝试对 require()ES 模块 进行操作。

¥An attempt was made to require() an ES Module.

要为同步模块图启用 require()(没有顶层 await),请使用 --experimental-require-module

¥To enable require() for synchronous module graphs (without top-level await), use --experimental-require-module.


脚本执行被 SIGINT 中断(例如按下了 Ctrl+C

¥Script execution was interrupted by SIGINT (For example, Ctrl+C was pressed.)



¥Script execution timed out, possibly due to bugs in the script being executed.


net.Server 已经在监听时调用了 server.listen() 方法。这适用于 net.Server 的所有实例,包括 HTTP、HTTPS 和 HTTP/2 Server 实例。

¥The server.listen() method was called while a net.Server was already listening. This applies to all instances of net.Server, including HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 Server instances.


net.Server 未运行时调用了 server.close() 方法。这适用于 net.Server 的所有实例,包括 HTTP、HTTPS 和 HTTP/2 Server 实例。

¥The server.close() method was called when a net.Server was not running. This applies to all instances of net.Server, including HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 Server instances.


密钥已传递到单个可执行应用 API 来识别资源,但找不到匹配项。

¥A key was passed to single executable application APIs to identify an asset, but no match could be found.



¥An attempt was made to bind a socket that has already been bound.


dgram.createSocket() 中的 recvBufferSizesendBufferSize 选项传入了无效的(负数的)大小。

¥An invalid (negative) size was passed for either the recvBufferSize or sendBufferSize options in dgram.createSocket().


期望端口 >= 0 且 < 65536 的 API 函数收到无效值。

¥An API function expecting a port >= 0 and < 65536 received an invalid value.


需要套接字类型(udp4udp6)的 API 函数收到无效值。

¥An API function expecting a socket type (udp4 or udp6) received an invalid value.


在使用 dgram.createSocket() 时,无法确定接收或发送 Buffer 的大小。

¥While using dgram.createSocket(), the size of the receive or send Buffer could not be determined.



¥An attempt was made to operate on an already closed socket.


在连接套接字上调用 net.Socket.write() 时套接字在连接建立之前关闭。

¥When calling net.Socket.write() on a connecting socket and the socket was closed before the connection was established.


使用系列自动选择算法时,套接字无法在允许的超时时间内连接到 DNS 返回的任何地址。

¥The socket was unable to connect to any address returned by the DNS within the allowed timeout when using the family autoselection algorithm.


在已连接的套接字上进行了 dgram.connect() 调用。

¥A dgram.connect() call was made on an already connected socket.


在断开连接的套接字上进行了 dgram.disconnect()dgram.remoteAddress() 调用。

¥A dgram.disconnect() or dgram.remoteAddress() call was made on a disconnected socket.


进行了调用,并且 UDP 子系统没有运行。

¥A call was made and the UDP subsystem was not running.


为子资源完整性检查提供了字符串,但无法解析。通过查看 子资源完整性规范 检查完整性属性的格式。

¥A string was provided for a Subresource Integrity check, but was unable to be parsed. Check the format of integrity attributes by looking at the Subresource Integrity specification.



¥A stream method was called that cannot complete because the stream was finished.


试图在 Writable 流上调用 stream.pipe()

¥An attempt was made to call stream.pipe() on a Writable stream.


调用了无法完成的流方法,因为使用 stream.destroy() 销毁了该流。

¥A stream method was called that cannot complete because the stream was destroyed using stream.destroy().


试图用 null 块调用 stream.write()

¥An attempt was made to call stream.write() with a null chunk.


stream.finished()stream.pipeline() 返回的错误,当流或管道以非正常方式结束且没有显式错误时。

¥An error returned by stream.finished() and stream.pipeline(), when a stream or a pipeline ends non gracefully with no explicit error.


在将 null(EOF)推送到流后,尝试调用 stream.push()

¥An attempt was made to call stream.push() after a null(EOF) had been pushed to the stream.


在触发 'end' 事件后尝试调用 stream.unshift()

¥An attempt was made to call stream.unshift() after the 'end' event was emitted.


如果在套接字上设置了字符串解码器或解码器在 objectMode 中,则防止中止。

¥Prevents an abort if a string decoder was set on the Socket or if the decoder is in objectMode.

const Socket = require('node:net').Socket;
const instance = new Socket();



在调用 stream.end() 后尝试调用 stream.write()

¥An attempt was made to call stream.write() after stream.end() has been called.



¥An attempt has been made to create a string longer than the maximum allowed length.



¥An artificial error object used to capture the call stack for diagnostic reports.


Node.js 进程中发生了未指定或非特定的系统错误。错误对象将具有带有附加详细信息的 对象属性。

¥An unspecified or non-specific system error has occurred within the Node.js process. The error object will have an object property with additional details.



¥An error representing a failing lexer state.


表示解析器状态失败的错误。有关导致错误的令牌的其他信息可通过 cause 属性获得。

¥An error representing a failing parser state. Additional information about the token causing the error is available via the cause property.


此错误表示 TAP 验证失败。

¥This error represents a failed TAP validation.


此错误表示测试失败。有关失败的其他信息可通过 cause 属性获得。failureType 属性指定发生故障时测试正在做什么。

¥This error represents a failed test. Additional information about the failure is available via the cause property. The failureType property specifies what the test was doing when the failure occurred.


ALPNCallback 返回的值不在客户端提供的 ALPN 协议列表中时,会引发此错误。

¥This error is thrown when an ALPNCallback returns a value that is not in the list of ALPN protocols offered by the client.


如果 TLS 选项同时包含 ALPNProtocolsALPNCallback,则创建 TLSServer 时会引发此错误。这些选项是互斥的。

¥This error is thrown when creating a TLSServer if the TLS options include both ALPNProtocols and ALPNCallback. These options are mutually exclusive.


如果用户提供的 subjectaltname 属性违反编码规则,则 checkServerIdentity 会抛出此错误。Node.js 本身生成的证书对象始终符合编码规则,永远不会出现此错误。

¥This error is thrown by checkServerIdentity if a user-supplied subjectaltname property violates encoding rules. Certificate objects produced by Node.js itself always comply with encoding rules and will never cause this error.


在使用 TLS 时,对等方的主机名/IP 与其证书中的任何 subjectAltNames 都不匹配。

¥While using TLS, the host name/IP of the peer did not match any of the subjectAltNames in its certificate.


在使用 TLS 时,为 Diffie-Hellman(DH)密钥协商协议提供的参数太小。默认情况下,密钥长度必须大于或等于 1024 位以避免漏洞,尽管强烈建议使用 2048 位或更大以增强安全性。

¥While using TLS, the parameter offered for the Diffie-Hellman (DH) key-agreement protocol is too small. By default, the key length must be greater than or equal to 1024 bits to avoid vulnerabilities, even though it is strongly recommended to use 2048 bits or larger for stronger security.


TLS/SSL 握手超时。在这种情况下,服务器也必须中止连接。

¥A TLS/SSL handshake timed out. In this case, the server must also abort the connection.


上下文必须是 SecureContext

¥The context must be a SecureContext.


指定的 secureProtocol 方法无效。它要么是未知的,要么是因为不安全而被禁用。

¥The specified secureProtocol method is invalid. It is either unknown, or disabled because it is insecure.


有效的 TLS 协议版本为 'TLSv1''TLSv1.1''TLSv1.2'

¥Valid TLS protocol versions are 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', or 'TLSv1.2'.


必须连接并安全建立 TLS 套接字。确保在继续之前触发 'secure' 事件。

¥The TLS socket must be connected and securely established. Ensure the 'secure' event is emitted before continuing.


尝试设置 TLS 协议 minVersionmaxVersion 与尝试显式设置 secureProtocol 冲突。使用一种或另一种机制。

¥Attempting to set a TLS protocol minVersion or maxVersion conflicts with an attempt to set the secureProtocol explicitly. Use one mechanism or the other.


未能设置 PSK 身份提示。提示可能太长。

¥Failed to set PSK identity hint. Hint may be too long.


尝试在禁用重新协商的套接字实例上重新协商 TLS。

¥An attempt was made to renegotiate TLS on a socket instance with renegotiation disabled.


在使用 TLS 时,调用 server.addContext() 方法时没有在第一个参数中提供主机名。

¥While using TLS, the server.addContext() method was called without providing a host name in the first parameter.


检测到过多的 TLS 重新协商,这是拒绝服务攻击的潜在载体。

¥An excessive amount of TLS renegotiations is detected, which is a potential vector for denial-of-service attacks.


试图从 TLS 服务器端套接字触发服务器名称指示,它仅对客户端有效。

¥An attempt was made to issue Server Name Indication from a TLS server-side socket, which is only valid from a client.


trace_events.createTracing() 方法至少需要一个跟踪事件类别。

¥The trace_events.createTracing() method requires at least one trace event category.


无法加载 node:trace_events 模块,因为 Node.js 是使用 --without-v8-platform 标志编译的。

¥The node:trace_events module could not be loaded because Node.js was compiled with the --without-v8-platform flag.


Transform 流在它仍在转换时完成。

¥A Transform stream finished while it was still transforming.


Transform 流完成,数据仍在写入缓冲区中。

¥A Transform stream finished with data still in the write buffer.



¥The initialization of a TTY failed due to a system error.


函数在 process.on('exit') 句柄中调用,不应在 process.on('exit') 句柄中调用。

¥Function was called within a process.on('exit') handler that shouldn't be called within process.on('exit') handler.


process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback() 被调用了两次,没有先将回调重置为 null

¥process.setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback() was called twice, without first resetting the callback to null.


¥This error is designed to prevent accidentally overwriting a callback registered from another module.



¥A string that contained unescaped characters was received.


发生未处理的错误(例如,当 EventEmitter 触发 'error' 事件但未注册 'error' 句柄时)。

¥An unhandled error occurred (for instance, when an 'error' event is emitted by an EventEmitter but an 'error' handler is not registered).


用于识别通常不应由用户代码触发的特定类型的内部 Node.js 错误。此错误的实例指向 Node.js 二进制文件本身的内部错误。

¥Used to identify a specific kind of internal Node.js error that should not typically be triggered by user code. Instances of this error point to an internal bug within the Node.js binary itself.


传入了不存在的 Unix 群组或用户标识符。

¥A Unix group or user identifier that does not exist was passed.


传给 API 的编码选项无效或未知。

¥An invalid or unknown encoding option was passed to an API.


稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental


¥An attempt was made to load a module with an unknown or unsupported file extension.


稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental


¥An attempt was made to load a module with an unknown or unsupported format.


无效或未知的进程信号已传给需要有效信号的 API(例如 subprocess.kill())。

¥An invalid or unknown process signal was passed to an API expecting a valid signal (such as subprocess.kill()).


import 目录网址不受支持。取而代之的是 package.json 文件的 "exports" 字段中的 使用包的名称自引用包定义自定义的子路径

¥import a directory URL is unsupported. Instead, self-reference a package using its name and define a custom subpath in the "exports" field of the package.json file.

import './'; // unsupported
import './index.js'; // supported
import 'package-name'; // supported 


不支持带有 filedata 以外的网址方案的 import

¥import with URL schemes other than file and data is unsupported.


尝试解决无效的模块引荐来源网址。当使用以下任一方法导入或调用 import.meta.resolve() 时,可能会发生这种情况:

¥An attempt was made to resolve an invalid module referrer. This can happen when importing or calling import.meta.resolve() with either:

  • 一个裸说明符,它不是 URL 方案不是 file 的模块中的内置模块。

    ¥a bare specifier that is not a builtin module from a module whose URL scheme is not file.

  • 来自 URL 方案不是 特别计划 的模块的 相对网址

    ¥a relative URL from a module whose URL scheme is not a special scheme.

try {
  // Trying to import the package 'bare-specifier' from a `data:` URL module:
  await import('data:text/javascript,import "bare-specifier"');
} catch (e) {
  console.log(e.code); // ERR_UNSUPPORTED_RESOLVE_REQUEST


稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental


¥An attempt was made to use something that was already closed.


在使用性能计时 API(perf_hooks)时,找不到有效的性能条目类型。

¥While using the Performance Timing API (perf_hooks), no valid performance entry types are found.


在没有 --experimental-vm-modules 的情况下调用了动态导入回调。

¥A dynamic import callback was invoked without --experimental-vm-modules.



¥A dynamic import callback was not specified.



¥The module attempted to be linked is not eligible for linking, because of one of the following reasons:

  • 已链接(linkingStatus'linked'

    ¥It has already been linked (linkingStatus is 'linked')

  • 正在链接(linkingStatus'linking'

    ¥It is being linked (linkingStatus is 'linking')

  • 此模块的链接失败(linkingStatus'errored'

    ¥Linking has failed for this module (linkingStatus is 'errored')


传给模块构造函数的 cachedData 选项无效。

¥The cachedData option passed to a module constructor is invalid.



¥Cached data cannot be created for modules which have already been evaluated.



¥The module being returned from the linker function is from a different context than the parent module. Linked modules must share the same context.



¥The module was unable to be linked due to a failure.


链接 promise 的履行值不是 vm.Module 对象。

¥The fulfilled value of a linking promise is not a vm.Module object.



¥The current module's status does not allow for this operation. The specific meaning of the error depends on the specific function.


WASI 实例已经启动。

¥The WASI instance has already started.


WASI 实例尚未启动。

¥The WASI instance has not been started.


已传给 WebAssembly.compileStreamingWebAssembly.instantiateStreamingResponse 不是有效的 WebAssembly 响应。

¥The Response that has been passed to WebAssembly.compileStreaming or to WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming is not a valid WebAssembly response.


Worker 初始化失败。

¥The Worker initialization failed.


传给 Worker 构造函数的 execArgv 选项包含无效标志。

¥The execArgv option passed to the Worker constructor contains invalid flags.


操作失败,因为 Worker 实例当前未运行。

¥An operation failed because the Worker instance is not currently running.


Worker 实例因达到其内存限制而终止。

¥The Worker instance terminated because it reached its memory limit.


工作线程主脚本的路径既不是绝对路径也不是以 ./../ 开头的相对路径。

¥The path for the main script of a worker is neither an absolute path nor a relative path starting with ./ or ../.



¥All attempts at serializing an uncaught exception from a worker thread failed.



¥The requested functionality is not supported in worker threads.


由于配置不正确,创建 zlib 对象失败。

¥Creation of a zlib object failed due to incorrect configuration.


接收到了太多的 HTTP 标头数据。为了防止恶意或错误配置的客户端,如果接收到超过 8 KiB 的 HTTP 标头数据,则 HTTP 解析将中止,而不会创建请求或响应对象,并且将触发带有此代码的 Error

¥Too much HTTP header data was received. In order to protect against malicious or malconfigured clients, if more than 8 KiB of HTTP header data is received then HTTP parsing will abort without a request or response object being created, and an Error with this code will be emitted.


块扩展收到的数据过多。为了防止恶意或配置错误的客户端,如果收到超过 16 KiB 的数据,则会触发带有此代码的 Error

¥Too much data was received for a chunk extensions. In order to protect against malicious or malconfigured clients, if more than 16 KiB of data is received then an Error with this code will be emitted.


服务器正在发送 Content-Length 标头和 Transfer-Encoding: chunked

¥Server is sending both a Content-Length header and Transfer-Encoding: chunked.

Transfer-Encoding: chunked 允许服务器为动态生成的内容维护 HTTP 持久连接。在这种情况下,无法使用 Content-Length HTTP 标头。

¥Transfer-Encoding: chunked allows the server to maintain an HTTP persistent connection for dynamically generated content. In this case, the Content-Length HTTP header cannot be used.

使用 Content-LengthTransfer-Encoding: chunked

¥Use Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding: chunked.


当尝试 require() 操作或加载程序入口点时,CommonJS 模块加载器无法解析模块文件。

¥A module file could not be resolved by the CommonJS modules loader while attempting a require() operation or when loading the program entry point.

旧版 Node.js 错误代码#

¥Legacy Node.js error codes

稳定性: 0 - 已弃用。这些错误代码要么不一致,要么已被删除。

¥Stability: 0 - Deprecated. These error codes are either inconsistent, or have been removed.


传给 postMessage() 的值包含不支持传输的对象。

¥The value passed to postMessage() contained an object that is not supported for transferring.


UTF-16 编码用于 hash.digest()。虽然 hash.digest() 方法确实允许传入 encoding 参数,使该方法返回字符串而不是 Buffer,但不支持 UTF-16 编码(例如 ucsutf16le)。

¥The UTF-16 encoding was used with hash.digest(). While the hash.digest() method does allow an encoding argument to be passed in, causing the method to return a string rather than a Buffer, the UTF-16 encoding (e.g. ucs or utf16le) is not supported.


在 HTTP/2 会话中发送单个帧失败时使用。

¥Used when a failure occurs sending an individual frame on the HTTP/2 session.


在需要 HTTP/2 标头对象时使用。

¥Used when an HTTP/2 Headers Object is expected.


当 HTTP/2 消息中缺少所需的标头时使用。

¥Used when a required header is missing in an HTTP/2 message.


HTTP/2 信息标头只能在调用 Http2Stream.prototype.respond() 方法之前发送。

¥HTTP/2 informational headers must only be sent prior to calling the Http2Stream.prototype.respond() method.


当在已关闭的 HTTP/2 流上执行操作时使用。

¥Used when an action has been performed on an HTTP/2 Stream that has already been closed.


当在 HTTP 响应状态消息(原因短语)中发现无效字符时使用。

¥Used when an invalid character is found in an HTTP response status message (reason phrase).



¥A given index was out of the accepted range (e.g. negative offsets).



¥An invalid or unexpected value was passed in an options object.



¥An invalid or unknown file encoding was passed.


此错误码在 Node.js v15.0.0 中被 ERR_MISSING_TRANSFERABLE_IN_TRANSFER_LIST 替换,因为它不再准确,因为现在还存在其他类型的可传输对象。

¥This error code was replaced by ERR_MISSING_TRANSFERABLE_IN_TRANSFER_LIST in Node.js v15.0.0, because it is no longer accurate as other types of transferable objects also exist now.


Constructor.prototype 不是对象时,由 Node-API 使用。

¥Used by the Node-API when Constructor.prototype is not an object.


稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental


¥Response was received but was invalid when importing a module over the network.


稳定性: 1 - 实验性的

¥Stability: 1 - Experimental


¥A network module attempted to load another module that it is not allowed to load. Likely this restriction is for security reasons.


以不受支持的方式调用了 Node.js API,例如 Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length])

¥A Node.js API was called in an unsupported manner, such as Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]).



¥An operation failed. This is typically used to signal the general failure of an asynchronous operation.



¥Used generically to identify that an operation caused an out of memory condition.


node:repl 模块无法解析交互式解释器历史文件中的数据。

¥The node:repl module was unable to parse data from the REPL history file.



¥Data could not be sent on a socket.


试图关闭 process.stderr 流。根据设计,Node.js 不允许用户代码关闭 stdoutstderr 流。

¥An attempt was made to close the process.stderr stream. By design, Node.js does not allow stdout or stderr streams to be closed by user code.


试图关闭 process.stdout 流。根据设计,Node.js 不允许用户代码关闭 stdoutstderr 流。

¥An attempt was made to close the process.stdout stream. By design, Node.js does not allow stdout or stderr streams to be closed by user code.


当尝试使用尚未实现 readable._read() 的可读流时使用。

¥Used when an attempt is made to use a readable stream that has not implemented readable._read().


当 TLS 重新协商请求以非特定方式失败时使用。

¥Used when a TLS renegotiation request has failed in a non-specific way.


在序列化过程中遇到内存不是由 JavaScript 引擎或 Node.js 管理的 SharedArrayBuffer。这样的 SharedArrayBuffer 无法序列化。

¥A SharedArrayBuffer whose memory is not managed by the JavaScript engine or by Node.js was encountered during serialization. Such a SharedArrayBuffer cannot be serialized.

这只有在原生插件在 "externalized" 模式下创建 SharedArrayBuffer,或将现有的 SharedArrayBuffer 置于外部化模式时才会发生。

¥This can only happen when native addons create SharedArrayBuffers in "externalized" mode, or put existing SharedArrayBuffer into externalized mode.


尝试使用未知的 stdin 文件类型启动 Node.js 进程。此错误通常表明 Node.js 本身存在错误,尽管用户代码可能会触发它。

¥An attempt was made to launch a Node.js process with an unknown stdin file type. This error is usually an indication of a bug within Node.js itself, although it is possible for user code to trigger it.


尝试使用未知的 stdoutstderr 文件类型启动 Node.js 进程。此错误通常表明 Node.js 本身存在错误,尽管用户代码可能会触发它。

¥An attempt was made to launch a Node.js process with an unknown stdout or stderr file type. This error is usually an indication of a bug within Node.js itself, although it is possible for user code to trigger it.


使用了 V8 BreakIterator API,但未安装完整的 ICU 数据集。

¥The V8 BreakIterator API was used but the full ICU data set is not installed.



¥Used when a given value is out of the accepted range.



¥The module must be successfully linked before instantiation.



¥The linker function returned a module for which linking has failed.



¥The pathname used for the main script of a worker has an unknown file extension.


zlib 对象已经关闭后尝试使用它时使用。

¥Used when an attempt is made to use a zlib object after it has already been closed.


无法处理来自 process.cpuUsage 的原生调用。

¥The native call from process.cpuUsage could not be processed.

OpenSSL 错误代码#

¥OpenSSL Error Codes


¥Time Validity Errors


证书尚未生效:notBefore 日期晚于当前时间。

¥The certificate is not yet valid: the notBefore date is after the current time.


证书已过期:notAfter 日期早于当前时间。

¥The certificate has expired: the notAfter date is before the current time.


证书吊销列表 (CRL) 具有未来的颁发日期。

¥The certificate revocation list (CRL) has a future issue date.


证书吊销列表 (CRL) 已过期。

¥The certificate revocation list (CRL) has expired.


证书已被吊销;它位于证书吊销列表 (CRL) 上。

¥The certificate has been revoked; it is on a certificate revocation list (CRL).


¥Trust or Chain Related Errors



¥The issuer certificate of a looked up certificate could not be found. This normally means the list of trusted certificates is not complete.



¥The certificate’s issuer is not known. This is the case if the issuer is not included in the trusted certificate list.



¥The passed certificate is self-signed and the same certificate cannot be found in the list of trusted certificates.



¥The certificate’s issuer is not known. This is the case if the issuer is not included in the trusted certificate list.



¥The certificate chain length is greater than the maximum depth.


找不到证书引用的 CRL。

¥The CRL reference by the certificate could not be found.



¥No signatures could be verified because the chain contains only one certificate and it is not self signed.


根证书颁发机构 (CA) 未针对指定目的标记为受信任。

¥The root certificate authority (CA) is not marked as trusted for the specified purpose.


¥Basic Extension Errors


CA 证书无效。它不是 CA 或者其扩展与所提供的目的不一致。

¥A CA certificate is invalid. Either it is not a CA or its extensions are not consistent with the supplied purpose.


已超出 basicConstraints 路径长度参数。

¥The basicConstraints pathlength parameter has been exceeded.


¥Name Related Errors



¥Certificate does not match provided name.


¥Usage and Policy Errors



¥The supplied certificate cannot be used for the specified purpose.


根 CA 被标记为拒绝指定目的。

¥The root CA is marked to reject the specified purpose.


¥Formatting Errors



¥The signature of the certificate is invalid.


证书吊销列表 (CRL) 的签名无效。

¥The signature of the certificate revocation list (CRL) is invalid.


证书 notBefore 字段包含无效时间。

¥The certificate notBefore field contains an invalid time.


证书 notAfter 字段包含无效时间。

¥The certificate notAfter field contains an invalid time.


CRL LastUpdate 字段包含无效时间。

¥The CRL lastUpdate field contains an invalid time.


CRL nextUpdate 字段包含无效时间。

¥The CRL nextUpdate field contains an invalid time.


无法解密证书签名。这意味着无法确定实际的签名值,而不是与预期值不匹配,这仅对 RSA 密钥有意义。

¥The certificate signature could not be decrypted. This means that the actual signature value could not be determined rather than it not matching the expected value, this is only meaningful for RSA keys.


无法解密证书吊销列表 (CRL) 签名:这意味着无法确定实际签名值,而不是与预期值不匹配。

¥The certificate revocation list (CRL) signature could not be decrypted: this means that the actual signature value could not be determined rather than it not matching the expected value.


无法读取证书 SubjectPublicKeyInfo 中的公钥。

¥The public key in the certificate SubjectPublicKeyInfo could not be read.

其他 OpenSSL 错误#

¥Other OpenSSL Errors



¥An error occurred trying to allocate memory. This should never happen.