new vm.SourceTextModule(code[, options])

  • code <string> 要解析的 JavaScript 模块代码
  • options
    • identifier <string> 用于堆栈跟踪的字符串。 默认值: 'vm:module(i)' 其中 i 是上下文特定的升序索引。
    • cachedData <Buffer> | <TypedArray> | <DataView> 为所提供的源提供可选的 BufferTypedArrayDataView,其中包含 V8 的代码缓存数据。 code 必须与创建此 cachedData 的模块相同。
    • context <Object> vm.createContext() 方法返回的上下文隔离化的对象,用于编译和评估此 Module
    • lineOffset <integer> 指定在此 Module 产生的堆栈跟踪中显示的行号偏移量。 默认值: 0
    • columnOffset <integer> 指定在此 Module 生成的堆栈跟踪中显示的第一行列号偏移量。 默认值: 0
    • initializeImportMeta <Function> 在评估此 Module 期间调用以初始化 import.meta
    • importModuleDynamically <Function> 在调用 import() 时在评估此模块期间调用。 如果未指定此选项,则调用 import() 将使用 ERR_VM_DYNAMIC_IMPORT_CALLBACK_MISSING 拒绝。

创建新的 SourceTextModule 实例。

分配给作为对象的 import.meta 对象的属性可能允许模块访问指定 context 之外的信息。 使用 vm.runInContext() 在特定上下文中创建对象。

import vm from 'node:vm';

const contextifiedObject = vm.createContext({ secret: 42 });

const module = new vm.SourceTextModule(
  'Object.getPrototypeOf(import.meta.prop).secret = secret;',
    initializeImportMeta(meta) {
      // 注意:这个对象是在顶层上下文中创建的。因此,
      // Object.getPrototypeOf(import.meta.prop) 指向
      // 顶层上下文中的 Object.prototype,
      // 而不是在上下文对象中。
      meta.prop = {};
// 由于模块没有依赖关系,链接器函数永远不会被调用。
await => {});
await module.evaluate();

// 现在,Object.prototype.secret 将等于 42。
// 要解决这个问题,则将上面的
//     meta.prop = {};
// 替换为
//     meta.prop = vm.runInContext('{}', contextifiedObject);const vm = require('node:vm');
const contextifiedObject = vm.createContext({ secret: 42 });
(async () => {
  const module = new vm.SourceTextModule(
    'Object.getPrototypeOf(import.meta.prop).secret = secret;',
      initializeImportMeta(meta) {
        // 注意:这个对象是在顶层上下文中创建的。因此,
        // Object.getPrototypeOf(import.meta.prop) 指向
        // 顶层上下文中的 Object.prototype,
        // 而不是在上下文对象中。
        meta.prop = {};
  // 由于模块没有依赖关系,链接器函数永远不会被调用。
  await => {});
  await module.evaluate();
  // 现在,Object.prototype.secret 将等于 42。
  // 要解决这个问题,则将上面的
  //     meta.prop = {};
  // 替换为
  //     meta.prop = vm.runInContext('{}', contextifiedObject);
  • code <string> JavaScript Module code to parse
  • options
    • identifier <string> String used in stack traces. Default: 'vm:module(i)' where i is a context-specific ascending index.
    • cachedData <Buffer> | <TypedArray> | <DataView> Provides an optional Buffer or TypedArray, or DataView with V8's code cache data for the supplied source. The code must be the same as the module from which this cachedData was created.
    • context <Object> The contextified object as returned by the vm.createContext() method, to compile and evaluate this Module in.
    • lineOffset <integer> Specifies the line number offset that is displayed in stack traces produced by this Module. Default: 0.
    • columnOffset <integer> Specifies the first-line column number offset that is displayed in stack traces produced by this Module. Default: 0.
    • initializeImportMeta <Function> Called during evaluation of this Module to initialize the import.meta.
    • importModuleDynamically <Function> Called during evaluation of this module when import() is called. If this option is not specified, calls to import() will reject with ERR_VM_DYNAMIC_IMPORT_CALLBACK_MISSING.
      • specifier <string> specifier passed to import()
      • module <vm.Module>
      • importAssertions <Object> The "assert" value passed to the optionsExpression optional parameter, or an empty object if no value was provided.
      • Returns: <Module Namespace Object> | <vm.Module> Returning a vm.Module is recommended in order to take advantage of error tracking, and to avoid issues with namespaces that contain then function exports.

Creates a new SourceTextModule instance.

Properties assigned to the import.meta object that are objects may allow the module to access information outside the specified context. Use vm.runInContext() to create objects in a specific context.

import vm from 'node:vm';

const contextifiedObject = vm.createContext({ secret: 42 });

const module = new vm.SourceTextModule(
  'Object.getPrototypeOf(import.meta.prop).secret = secret;',
    initializeImportMeta(meta) {
      // Note: this object is created in the top context. As such,
      // Object.getPrototypeOf(import.meta.prop) points to the
      // Object.prototype in the top context rather than that in
      // the contextified object.
      meta.prop = {};
// Since module has no dependencies, the linker function will never be called.
await => {});
await module.evaluate();

// Now, Object.prototype.secret will be equal to 42.
// To fix this problem, replace
//     meta.prop = {};
// above with
//     meta.prop = vm.runInContext('{}', contextifiedObject);const vm = require('node:vm');
const contextifiedObject = vm.createContext({ secret: 42 });
(async () => {
  const module = new vm.SourceTextModule(
    'Object.getPrototypeOf(import.meta.prop).secret = secret;',
      initializeImportMeta(meta) {
        // Note: this object is created in the top context. As such,
        // Object.getPrototypeOf(import.meta.prop) points to the
        // Object.prototype in the top context rather than that in
        // the contextified object.
        meta.prop = {};
  // Since module has no dependencies, the linker function will never be called.
  await => {});
  await module.evaluate();
  // Now, Object.prototype.secret will be equal to 42.
  // To fix this problem, replace
  //     meta.prop = {};
  // above with
  //     meta.prop = vm.runInContext('{}', contextifiedObject);