new assert.AssertionError(options)

  • options <Object>
    • message <string> 如果提供,则错误消息将设置为此值。
    • actual <any> 错误实例上的 actual 属性。
    • expected <any> 错误实例上的 expected 属性。
    • operator <string> 错误实例上的 operator 属性。
    • stackStartFn <Function> 如果提供,则生成的堆栈跟踪将省略此函数之前的帧。

Error 的子类,表示断言的失败。

所有实例都包含内置的 Error 属性(messagename),以及:

import assert from 'node:assert';

// 生成 AssertionError,以便稍后比较错误信息:
const { message } = new assert.AssertionError({
  actual: 1,
  expected: 2,
  operator: 'strictEqual',

// 验证错误的输出:
try {
  assert.strictEqual(1, 2);
} catch (err) {
  assert(err instanceof assert.AssertionError);
  assert.strictEqual(err.message, message);
  assert.strictEqual(, 'AssertionError');
  assert.strictEqual(err.actual, 1);
  assert.strictEqual(err.expected, 2);
  assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ERR_ASSERTION');
  assert.strictEqual(err.operator, 'strictEqual');
  assert.strictEqual(err.generatedMessage, true);
}const assert = require('node:assert');

// 生成 AssertionError,以便稍后比较错误信息:
const { message } = new assert.AssertionError({
  actual: 1,
  expected: 2,
  operator: 'strictEqual',

// 验证错误的输出:
try {
  assert.strictEqual(1, 2);
} catch (err) {
  assert(err instanceof assert.AssertionError);
  assert.strictEqual(err.message, message);
  assert.strictEqual(, 'AssertionError');
  assert.strictEqual(err.actual, 1);
  assert.strictEqual(err.expected, 2);
  assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ERR_ASSERTION');
  assert.strictEqual(err.operator, 'strictEqual');
  assert.strictEqual(err.generatedMessage, true);
  • options <Object>
    • message <string> If provided, the error message is set to this value.
    • actual <any> The actual property on the error instance.
    • expected <any> The expected property on the error instance.
    • operator <string> The operator property on the error instance.
    • stackStartFn <Function> If provided, the generated stack trace omits frames before this function.

A subclass of Error that indicates the failure of an assertion.

All instances contain the built-in Error properties (message and name) and:

  • actual <any> Set to the actual argument for methods such as assert.strictEqual().
  • expected <any> Set to the expected value for methods such as assert.strictEqual().
  • generatedMessage <boolean> Indicates if the message was auto-generated (true) or not.
  • code <string> Value is always ERR_ASSERTION to show that the error is an assertion error.
  • operator <string> Set to the passed in operator value.
import assert from 'node:assert';

// Generate an AssertionError to compare the error message later:
const { message } = new assert.AssertionError({
  actual: 1,
  expected: 2,
  operator: 'strictEqual',

// Verify error output:
try {
  assert.strictEqual(1, 2);
} catch (err) {
  assert(err instanceof assert.AssertionError);
  assert.strictEqual(err.message, message);
  assert.strictEqual(, 'AssertionError');
  assert.strictEqual(err.actual, 1);
  assert.strictEqual(err.expected, 2);
  assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ERR_ASSERTION');
  assert.strictEqual(err.operator, 'strictEqual');
  assert.strictEqual(err.generatedMessage, true);
}const assert = require('node:assert');

// Generate an AssertionError to compare the error message later:
const { message } = new assert.AssertionError({
  actual: 1,
  expected: 2,
  operator: 'strictEqual',

// Verify error output:
try {
  assert.strictEqual(1, 2);
} catch (err) {
  assert(err instanceof assert.AssertionError);
  assert.strictEqual(err.message, message);
  assert.strictEqual(, 'AssertionError');
  assert.strictEqual(err.actual, 1);
  assert.strictEqual(err.expected, 2);
  assert.strictEqual(err.code, 'ERR_ASSERTION');
  assert.strictEqual(err.operator, 'strictEqual');
  assert.strictEqual(err.generatedMessage, true);